Tuesday, February 10, 2009


For the past three weeks I have been in a cumbersome knee brace, hobbling around at half speed. Recently, in a effort to ease the strain on my "good" knee, I began using a cane. While the knee brace is relatively unobtrusive under slacks, the cane cannot be hidden. As a result, I have repeated the story of my clumsiness and the resulting list of ligament tears and bruises numerous times. I always end my recital with the statement that it could be much worse. Truly it could. In 1977, I missed a step and broke my right ankle in three places. After surgery I had nine weeks during which I could not put my right foot on the ground. That was nine weeks in a wheelchair or on crutches, pregnant and with a four year old in tow. That round of fun and games was followed by three weeks in a walking cast. So, it could be worse. Truly it could. I could be on crutches or in a wheelchair permanently. It could be much worse. Truly it could. It might not be me. It might be Bill, or Ryan or Brandon. Yes, it could be so much worse. Thank you Lord for this minor trial. May I count it pure joy.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Something to Ponder

Most of us recognize the difference between good and evil and choose the good. But how often do we recognize the difference between what is good and what is better or what is best? Which one do you consistently choose?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Mountains Aren't the Problem

It is a new year and a time to set new goals. Not being especially ambitious I have limited myself to one goal at a time. The current goal: get all the laundry done. After the holidays there are mountains of tablecloths, napkins, sheets and towels piled in the laundry room, Naturally this is in addition to the usual dirty clothes that accumulate over the course of a week. This is a simple but worthy goal. When all the laundry is done I plan to clean the laundry room closet and pass on the things we no longer use. My laundry efforts are paying off; the mountains are shrinking to manageable proportions. Sheets and towels for the ranch are clean and neatly folded, ready for transport back to Cisco. The last couple of tablecloths are in the washer and the final sheets are tumbling dry. The floor is finally clear and now I can see the basket. This is the laondry basket that always stands between me and a perfectly clean laundry room. This basket is never empty. It doesn't hold a mountain of laundry. Instead, it is full of hills--items that are too small to make a load, items that fade and must be washed separately. These clothes don't get washed very often. They spend most of their time in the basket and all of the laundry never gets done. Sometimes it is not the mountain but the hill that is our biggest obstacle.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Exaggerated Rumors

As Mark Twain once quipped, the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I was grateful to realize that it hasn't been quite a year since my last posting--almost but not quite. I have dear friends, among them Allan Stanglin, who post faithfully. In contrast, I intend faithfully. At least once or twice a month I intend to post my latest wandering thoughts but something always overrides my intention. Generally, something meaningless--such as my wandering thoughts. Oh well, it is a new year and a time for new intentions. Anyone taking wagers on how long it will be before my next posting?