Saturday, June 30, 2007

Spiritual Watering

Much of Texas is experiencing a rare summer phenomenon—excessive rain. The average rainfall for Austin in June is 3.81 inches. This year we are way above average. Nearby Marble Falls flooded with more than eighteen inches of rain in twelve hours. (To see pictures, visit Allan Stanglin’s blog: The Kingdom, the Kids and the Cowboys.) Here it is the end of June and we have not turned on our sprinkler system; yet the lawn is as lush and green as if we had a $200 water bill. The plants on the deck have benefited from the abundance of rain and I have enjoyed a reprieve from dragging the hose around from pot to pot. However, I was shocked this morning to look out the kitchen window and see the zinnias drooping as if we were in the midst of a drought. Yesterday we escaped the daily downpour; it was the first day without rain since Bill and I returned from England. What a difference that day made for two pitiful looking zinnias. Of course, I rushed out to water. As I stood there with hose in hand, I was amazed at how quickly these plants had suffered. Only one day without rain and they were wilted. The leaves were curled and the vivid flowers hung limp from the stem because in the midst of abundant rain, I had failed to establish a regular watering schedule. It is the same with all God’s creatures—plants, animals and humans. We all need regular water to enable our physical survival. As God’s children we also need spiritual water for our spiritual survival. Spiritual water revives and refreshes us; it strengthens us to endure harsh days in the wilderness. In the midst of abundant blessing, it is easy to forget that we need to establish a regular watering schedule for our hearts and our souls. Refreshing spiritual water is found in time with God—time spent in his word, time spent in prayer, time spent in silence and solitude. I pray that each of us will find time for regular spiritual watering this summer.

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