Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Paring Down

This week I've been on garage sale duty. Actually, it is garage sale prep. Our family moved into our present home 27 years ago and since then, we have accumulated an amazing amount of stuff. This house has reached capacity, so it is time to clean out closets, empty cabinets, and ask the critical question: does this go or stay? It is time to pare down, and pass on before we qualify for an episode of Hoarders: Buried Alive.

So far, I've filled two large crates with miscellaneous books and home decor items marked for Saturday's sale. I hope to fill at least two more before I run out of time. Consigning various items to the sale has been relatively painless and it is a good feeling to open a closet or cabinet door and see empty spaces instead of clutter and chaos.

It is more difficult to pare down in other areas of my life. I can accumulate commitments in the same way I accumulate china (I have seven or eight sets). If I'm not careful, I find my life feeling cluttered and chaotic. When I "retired" last month I made a promise, to myself and to God, that I would not make any long-term ministry commitments for the next year. Instead, I will spend that time cleaning out my "spiritual closets" and listening to hear how God wants me to serve.

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